Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Students and the Internet

       When I am running my own classroom, electronics (and the internet) will for sure be a huge part of the students' everyday interaction. When having young children working with the internet, there are some very obvious concerns, such as inappropriate content, misuse of internet, etc. Now that we are in a modern age where technology is around every corner of a classroom, schools take precautionary measures to make sure that inappropriate websites and images do not pop up in a student's searches.

       One concern of mine is the use of games on the internet. If you are having students on the web doing an assignment, they can easily get distracted by gaming sites and not get there work done. At my school district, they managed to block almost every well known gaming site that students could access on the computers. There is an awesome website that I found called Safe Search Schools, which is a "browser" of sorts for kids to use to search safely and effectively. The only downside is that this still does not block them from using the regular internet. I want my students to see the internet as a positive thing. It is a tool that will help them learn, explore, and have fun, while keeping the mindset on academics. 

Safe Search School:  http://www.safesearch.school/


  1. I agree with you on your statement about the internet being a positive thing. I believe it is very important for students to know the pros and cons of the internet, but I want them to mainly see how it can be beneficial. I really enjoyed reading your post, and I think you explained this topic very thoroughly.

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  4. I agree a 100% with you. Technology is an amazing tool when used appropriate and it is are jobs as teachers to show children then benefits. I can be scary but if you are teaching them right you should have confidence in them.
