Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Pros and Cons

           Using both Microsoft word and power point and using Goggle Docs and Slides, I am more familiar with which one is best to use in certain situations. I have always used Microsoft, and never really got the chance to use Google Docs or Slides.

 Honestly, I ran into a lot of issues when using Google docs. First, the formatting was not as easy to access and the fonts were not the same as in Word. I was getting pretty frustrated. In that instance, I would recommend Word over Docs, however I  really enjoyed using Google Slides. The options for personalizing, in my opinion, were  a lot nicer than in PowerPoint. For students, I would recommend using Microsoft over Google, mainly because it is a lot more self explanatory.
Image result for microsoft word

I found this article interesting on Word vs. Docs.


  1. Lauren, I love the look of your blog page! I think that Microsoft too is the better program. I ran into many issues with the assignment because I think it was more geared towards Microsoft programs instead of Google. Even though I think Microsoft is a better program for myself, I think that for a classroom, Google is superior because it can be shared and distributed easier. Great post!

  2. Hi Lauren!
    I liked how simple you kept your post because sometimes it can be hard to not ramble on (like I find myself doing), and it was nice that you found and article and attached it. I also think Microsoft is a better program, I find myself writing my essays more often on Word than Docs. In schools now, there is definitely a bigger push for students to use Google just because I think it more convenient since students can access their work from home and share and collaborate with other students and teachers.

  3. Hi Lauren!
    I agree with you saying google docs has way more to offer when it comes to personalizing your slides. Also, I agree with Microsoft over all being the easier one to use. Good points in your blog!
