Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Educational Technology

Technology in the classroom has come along way over the years. Not only has it become more widely used, but it also is continuing to change as we speak. One major hurdle, that is more relevant to today's technology is the safety for children. As I had mentioned in my previous post, it is vital that we as teachers keep our students safe while surfing the internet, whether that is on computers or Ipads. A great way for us to come over this hurdle is to use internet protection tools and to educate the students on safe ways to use their technology. 


In my classroom, I definitely want to use technology, but I do not want to depend on it. I am sure that by the time I am teaching there will be technology that I have not even heard of yet. I can not wait to see how influential technology is in the classroom in the upcoming years. 


  1. I completely agree. i don't want to depend on technology in my classroom either. But i'm also going to try to stay as updated as i can so i can teach my students how to use the new technology.

  2. I agree with you in that there will be technology that we have not heard of yet but I think that is why we need to stay up to date on the latest upgrade or technology. I also think that it is a good idea not to depend on it but it may come to a point were you have to ignorer to meet your requirements.

  3. I agree totally that you want to use technology but not depend on it. I also liked how you mentioned that by the time we are in the field we will have to update ourselves on the new technological advances coming to our classroom.

  4. I enjoyed reading your post! I agree with how one major hurdle that we will face and never overcome is when it comes to the students being on the internet since it can be scary and we have to make sure we keep them safe.
